jp's blog

02-01-2015 - Mesa Update

 Conditions: so - so with snow on the way! (we hope)

Photog: Ray Orr

Ryan Smith hop over:

Still good in the trees - Grand Mesa, Colorado

 Ryan Smith:


Mesa Update - 01.14.2014

At least 20" new and sunny!


Ryan Smith:


Booter Mission - Mesa

 Ryan Smith and I went out yesterday to check out the snow (sucked) and build a booter. We found a perfect spot with a huge north facing open landing.. you could seriously send it on this one. It is gonna pay dividends all year. Should be minimal work after the next storm cycle.

It is snowing again now -- game on! I hear rumors of a Kebler / Irwin mission today. See you on the mountain

Sunday Mesa Ride

Rider: Ray Orr

Bluebird Mesa

 A couple of great shots of Mark Fenner on his '15 T3 174 Impulse turbo!!!

Photog: Ray Orr

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